A green economy is one that focuses on reducing the risks associated with ecological and environmental scarcity. A green economy aims at achieving sustainable development without causing any harm to the environment. A battery that is suitable for practical use and, at the same time, is eco-friendly is a holy grail for achieving the goal of a green economy. The hexagonal structure of graphene allows it to display high conductivity, heat dissipation, and longevity properties. The use of graphene batteries for industrial or manufacturing processes that prevent the release of greenhouse gases into the environment is being extensively explored. It will greatly contribute to a green economy. 

Planning developments sustainably with graphene batteries

There have always been disputes in terms of planning the developments in renewable as well as solar energy. By way of using batteries made with graphene, solar energy cells and plants can generate a high amount of efficiency, contributing to a green economy. Replacing conventional batteries with graphene batteries while manufacturing can substantially lead to savings by promoting cost-efficiency. Given the changes in the climate and the negative impacts of the same, the landscape of the green economy is quickly and consistently transforming. Graphene batteries tremendously contribute to this transformation by offering a high thermal and electrical conductivity with remarkable mechanical properties. 

Solutions for attaining a green economy

Graphene, along with its other forms like few-layer graphene composite, provides fast charging offerings and solutions through an increment in the cyclability that makes it the most suitable choice for the electronic vehicle industry and solar industry, both of which make significant contributions to a green economy. There have also been roadblocks and hurdles that come in the way of a green economy. Graphene batteries help in overcoming these roadblocks towards attaining sustainability and a green economy. One important example could be that electric vehicles powered by graphene batteries reduce the carbon footprint and also reduce the emission or re-entrance of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. 

As part of a green economy, it is essential to promote a competitive type of sustainability necessary for green and clean transport, storage, and consumption that helps achieve climate and carbon neutrality in the future. 


C6 Energy’s graphene batteries are made with green chemicals and by a way of converting bioinert substances or biomaterial into energy through the production of highly conductive yet highly safe graphene batteries. These batteries are environment-friendly, cost-efficient and therefore, contribute to a green economy, which is significant given the increase in the undesirable climatic changes and deterioration of the ecosystem by processes and technology that causes high amounts of carbon emissions.