With renewable energy becoming increasingly prominent, the sustainable storage of energy via batteries has become a topic of interest for scientists and researchers all over the world. Since the generation of energy from renewable sources of energy such as hydro, wind and solar does not meet with the energy demands completely, collaborating this type of renewable energy generation with graphene technology for batteries can yield highly effective outcomes. Especially with the rise in demand for electric vehicles, a larger number of companies are looking to develop novel ways for cost-effective yet higher and more reliable storage of energy. Lithium-ion is one of the conventional batteries that have been in use for a longer period of time but are not a suitable choice for applications on a larger scale. Graphene has therefore become one of the most researched materials because of the immense amount of potential it has to offer, especially when combined with the potential of renewable energy storage and its benefits.

A Graphene enabled future

Graphene and related materials have significantly appealing properties including a high surface area, high level of porosity, extensively light-weight, flexible and high in strength for improved and effective storage and transportation. In addition to this, it is also a high potency conductor of both thermal and electrical energy. It has also been known that graphene in its membrane form, when illuminated with solar energy or simply sunlight, can conduct protons at a higher rate than usual. This type of a phenomenon and effect can be used to imitate the process of photosynthesis and harvest solar energy (renewable energy) directly. Such a process can lead to production of gases such as the hydrogen gas which can be furthermore used as a fuel to power electric vehicles through batteries. Graphene enabled batteries will therefore prove to be highly cost effective if used for electric vehicles. With the increasing demand of energy, solar energy is becoming a great alternative, however, its efficiency is yet not up to the mark and photovoltaic or solar cells are pricey to produce and then install. But with the advent of Graphene material, its layered coating on the solar cells and graphene batteries in itself are the best choice for a future empowered by renewable energy.


Graphene enabled batteries are less expensive, highly effective and promote renewable energy storage and consumption. Its flexibility, mechanical & chemical strength and light-weight imparts high efficacy as a source of renewable power to the Graphene enabled batteries. C6 Energy Graphene material and patented Graphene battery technology is a stepping stone towards a future enabled with only the renewable power sources for innovative and environment-friendly technology such as the electric vehicles of the automotive industry.